Just registered another Mastodon account, this time on mastodon.art. I plan to publish some of my photos there. These photos are part of my on-going amateur art project. It is about sky and everything on it. So, it is about blue, red, yellow and some other colors, Sun, Moon, stars, clouds, lighting, rainbow, flying birds, flying planes and so on.

All of my photos are licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0.

Originally some time ago I was thinking about creating a web-site for these photos, and even invented a name for it, "Sky of My Window". But since as I planned it it would require investing some non-trivial amount of time (I was not able to find any free webapp suitable for my purposes), I decided to use Mastodon for now and maybe create a website later. So, everyone is welcome at @[email protected]!

Posted Sat Aug 18 18:02:21 2018 Tags: